Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oregon Trail Overnight

For many Portland 4th graders, the Oregon Trail Overnight is a rite of passage. Students dress as pioneers, head up about halfway up Mt. Hood, and spend a day and a half in the wilderness learning about life on the Oregon Trail.

I was lucky enough to win the lottery to be a chaperone on the trip. From the second we got on the bus to the second we got home, we and the kids had a jam-packed schedule of learning, songs, skits, and eating. When we got home, Jack said he could have gone for a week.

Here are some pictures from the Oregon Trail.

Jack used a froe to make a cedar shake

Jack used a hobo stove to make his dad a tasty cheeseburger.

The weather was perfect.
Enough snow was on the ground to make it scenic, but not so much that anyone slipped.

Jack made his own candle.
About 20 seconds later, the counselor knocked over that can of wax and spilled it all over the deck.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job of documenting Number One Son on his pioneer learning experience.
    Well done.
