They arrived into one of the first sunny days in a long, long time. The rather brisk winds blew away the clouds to reveal a bright blue sky. With temps in 50s, I was tempted to wear shorts.
Soon after their champagne greeting at our house, our guests were Laurelhurst Schools' guests. It was, coincidentally, "Grandparents and Special Friends Day" at the school. Grandma Barbara was bursting with excitement, "I hope they ask who came the farthest."
After the greetings, the principal stood up and asked, "Who came from out of town?"
"Ohio," my mom shouted with a volume I last heard when the gerbils escaped from their cage when I was 12.
The gasps were audible. Especially from the grandparents from Eugene who thought a two hour drive had cinched their special place in history.
From there we were treated to a presentation of "The First Snow," performed by Jack's first grade class. Jack's performance was Oscar worthy for supporting actor in his portrayal of a bird. He informed me later that he even said a line that all the other birds forgot.
After that we returned home for a little relaxation before the next event. Dinner at Poor Richards.
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