Pretty nifty statement about SE 33rd and Yamhill:
At the corner of Southeast Yamhill and Southeast 33rd Avenue is the most Portland-y spot in the city. There is an artwork painted on the actual road. It's like a sun or something. It's too big for me to remember exactly what it is. It just looks cool and feels cool. I feel the most like I am in Portland when I stand in this spot. You'll see what I mean. It's residential, but there's something about it that makes me feel very much at peace. Not like nature-guy peace. I hate that. I mean like "Hey, I am going to stand here for a few minutes and not think." It's quiet but you can still hear some cars go by a street over on Belmont. It feels European but still American. I stand by that description. The one other thing about it that makes it so ultimately Portland is that there seems to be green all around. I don't know if it's that they haven't trimmed any of the trees or what, but there is just green everywhere.
Even more nifty, because the neighbors used a day of nice weather to touch up the painting.

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